Ya sabemos que estas peticiones no llegan a nada pero haga sentir su repudio
FIRMA: http://www.petitiononline.com/13031955/petition.html
Carta para el Presidente Evo Morales por el caso de los perros asesinados en una protesta política por los Ponchos Rojos
Carta para el Presidente Evo Morales por el caso de los perros asesinados en una protesta política por los Ponchos Rojos
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3St-K9KdN90
El video no es apto para menores de edad ni para personas sensibles según nos han relatado (en El Perruno Digital no nos atrevimos a verlo)
A nuestros lectores de habla portuguesa
Presidente da Bolívia, Exmo. Senhor D. Juan Evo Morales Ayma
Exmo. SenhorD. Juan Evo Morales Ayma
Exmo. SenhorD. Juan Evo Morales Ayma
Presidente da Bolívia
Como membro da Comunidade Internacional tive conhecimento de que membros do grupo conhecido como "Ponchos Rojos", constituido por camponeses aimaras radicais, partidários de Vª. Exª., degolaram dois cães em sinal de ameaça aos opositores "que não querem a mudança" no país.No séc. XXI, nos países civilizados, tais feitos nem podem ser considerados como um ritual nem podem ser aceites como forma de protesto, sob que pretexto seja.A Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Animal, relembra o seguinte:Artigo 2ºa) Todo o animal tem direito ao respeito.Artigo 3ºa) Nenhum animal ser+a submetido a maus tratos nem a actos de cruéis.Artigo 5ºa) Todo o animal pertencente a uma espécie que viva tradicionalmente em redor do homem, tem direito a viver e crescer ao ritmo e nas condições de vida e de liberdade próprias da sua espécie.Artigo 10ºa) Nenhum animal deve ser explorado para prazer do homem.b) As exibições de animais e os espectáculos que se sirvam de animais são incompatíveis con a dignidade do animal.Artigo 11ºTodo o acto que implique a morte de um animal sem necessidade constitui biocídio, ou seja, un crime contra a vida.Artigo 14ºa) As organizações de proteção e salvaguarda dos animais, devem ter representação a nível governamental.b) Os direitos do animal devem ser defendidos pela Lei, tal como o são os direitos do homem.Conseqüentemente, SOLICITO a Vª. Exª. que ordene seja aplicada a Lei em vigor às pessoas que realizaram o macabro acto, bem como se tomem as medidas adequadas a que se não repitam estes infelizes actos.
Para nuestros lectores de habla inglesa
To the President of Bolivia, Mr. Juan Evo Morales Ayma
Dear Mr. President: As a member of the International Community it has been brought to my attention that a group known as the “Red Ponchos”, made up of radical Aimara peasants loyal to you, have beheaded two dogs as a threatening signal to those members of the Opposition who “do not want change” in the country.In the twenty-first century in civilized countries, acts such as this cannot be considered a ritual, nor are they acceptable under any circumstances as a form of protest. May I remind you, Sir, that the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights states as follows:Article 2a) All animal life has the right to be respected.Article 3a) Animals must not be submitted to ill-treatment or to cruel acts. Article 5a) All animals belonging to a species traditionally living in man’s environment have the right to live and grow in the conditions, and with the freedom, corresponding to their species.Article 10a) No animal must be exploited by man for profit.b) Exhibitions and shows using animals are incompatible with the dignity of animals. Article 11Every act which results in the death of an animal is an act of biocide, that is, a crime against life.Article 14a) Organizations dedicated to the protection and safeguarding of animals must be represented at Governmental level.b) The rights of animals must be defended by Law, in the same way as the rights of man.Therefore, I hereby REQUEST that you bring to bear the full force of the established Laws on the people who carried out this macabre act, as well as taking all necessary measures to guarantee that there is no repetition of deplorable incidents such as this
Dear Mr. President: As a member of the International Community it has been brought to my attention that a group known as the “Red Ponchos”, made up of radical Aimara peasants loyal to you, have beheaded two dogs as a threatening signal to those members of the Opposition who “do not want change” in the country.In the twenty-first century in civilized countries, acts such as this cannot be considered a ritual, nor are they acceptable under any circumstances as a form of protest. May I remind you, Sir, that the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights states as follows:Article 2a) All animal life has the right to be respected.Article 3a) Animals must not be submitted to ill-treatment or to cruel acts. Article 5a) All animals belonging to a species traditionally living in man’s environment have the right to live and grow in the conditions, and with the freedom, corresponding to their species.Article 10a) No animal must be exploited by man for profit.b) Exhibitions and shows using animals are incompatible with the dignity of animals. Article 11Every act which results in the death of an animal is an act of biocide, that is, a crime against life.Article 14a) Organizations dedicated to the protection and safeguarding of animals must be represented at Governmental level.b) The rights of animals must be defended by Law, in the same way as the rights of man.Therefore, I hereby REQUEST that you bring to bear the full force of the established Laws on the people who carried out this macabre act, as well as taking all necessary measures to guarantee that there is no repetition of deplorable incidents such as this
Visite el blog ERES LO QUE HACES de Jaime Sancho (Costa Rica)